Notes on Sorting and searching algorithms

This is a cheat sheet of sorting algorithms concept. It helps to answer the questions on phone interviews. This sheet explains the key difference between different sorting algos.


  • If the no. of elements are small then we can use quadratic algo like: insertion sort
  • If there are more then 100 elements use: Heapsort, merge sort, quicksort
  • For items over: 5,000,000 we can use external memory sorting algorithms.
  • Stable algos maintains ordering in case of duplicates
  • Nlogn algos are not stable
  • If the data is partially sorted then insertion sort is better
  • If the data is uniformly or randomly distributed then bucket or distribution sort makes sense.
  • If the keys are long strings then it will make sense to use prefix for the intial sort and then use entire key for sorting. Or use Radix sort
  • If the range of elements is know and it is small. Then we can initialize an n-element bit-vector. Turn on the element that is present. Then scan from L to R and report the true bits.
  • For sorting requiring using the disk access we can use external sort or
    • Load the data in a B-Tree and do in-order traversal
    • Multi-way merge sort
  • Quicksort optimizations:
    • Randomize the permutations
    • b. Median of first, last, and middle element as a the pivot
    • c. Smaller subsets can use insertion sort. Stop the recursion at the n = 20
    • d. We use process the smaller partitions before the larger one. This way run-time memory needed will be less. Successive stored calls are at most half as large as the previous one.


  • We can use self organizing list, where the most recently accessed elements moves to the front.
  • The self organizing list can be used when we have multiple access.

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