Product manager design question 1

How would you implement Chrome for Kids navigation.

Safe browsing for kids.

  1. Toddler
  2. Young kids
  3. Teenagers
  1. Education
  2. Browsing
  3. Entertainment

Solution: Metric: Implementation complexity:  
  1. Profiling: While setting up the browser the parent/authority will set the profile in a manner so that safe browsing is always enabled. Payments are automatically disabled in this profile.
    • Pros: Serves the purpose
    • Cons: Extra setup and some technical expertise.
  2. API call:
    • When call is initiated from this profile then safe results are surfaced.
    • Payment fails if the call is initiated from this profile.
    • Cons: Requires expertise as to which content makes sense v/s which does not.
    • Pros: Serves the purpose.
  3. Notification: If weird content is requested then notification is sent to the authorities for review.
    • Pros: Proactiveness
    • Cons: Chances of false positive. If kids is required to do some weird searches for their biology class. It will trigger a meeting with parents/school authorities.
  4. Override for parent functionality wherein they can use the same browser for their use.
    • Pros: Convenience. No need of second browser on same machine.
    • Cons: Chances are kid could learn how to override defeating the whole idea.
  5. Reporting a summary of their kids searches.
  6. Mature APIs based on search results and customer satisfaction.

  1. Profiling as it a basic feature & API call as its part of the basic feature as must haves in MVP.
  2. Override is also MVP as otherwise the browser will be unusable for the parents.
  3. Notification, Reporting, Mature APIs can be part second release.

Product management: Marketing Frameworks: Cheat Sheet

During Product management interviews a lot of interviewers ask 'How will you market a product?' Reason is a lot of positions require interaction with the marketing teams, hence the question. For these type of questions, its best to answer with some frameworks. Here are 3 such frameworks to help construct your answers.

  • AIDA
  • REAN
  • Marketing mix – 4Ps


This framework is useful for convincing the customer to buy your product. Here is the description of each of its phases

  1. Attention: Get customer’s attention.
  2. Interest: Get them interested in your product by telling them how it is going to solve the problem.
  3. Desire: Make customers want your product by telling them how it will help them.
  4. Action: Enable them to purchase the product.


This framework is useful to maintain the relationship with the customer and keep them engaged so they remain your loyal customer.

  1. Reach: Reach out to existing or new customers.
  2. Engage: Engage with them by understanding their needs and relate it to the product features.
  3. Activate: Motivate customer to purchase your product.
  4. Nurture: Keep engaging with them to know their pain points and solve it at regular intervals.

Marketing mix – 4Ps

  1. Product: 
    1. What are the product’s features and how does it caters to the customer’s needs. 
  2. Price:
    1. Determines the customer personas who are buying the product or willing to buy the product. 
    2. How many customers purchase the product.
    3. Different prices for different channels like online, offline, retail stores, door to door marketing, etc
  3. Promotion:
    1. All forms of Ads, PR, word of mouth, sales,
  4. Place:
    1. Online or offline or at home. For ex:
      1. Online: Amazon or ebay or retail site
      2. Offline: Physical store, kiosk at mall
      3. At-home: Gym instructor coming to home for personal training.

Hope you liked this cheat sheet as it will come in handy for the interview process. If you want cheat sheets on more topics, then please comment down below. I will be happy to create them for you. 

Distributed datastore Basics - Part 3

Commodity computers like normal desktop that we use at home.

Why you need to scale?
Performance is degraded as customers are complaining that requests are taking more time.

Vertical Scaling: 
Upgrade the server to handle volume of requests easily. Upgrading single server's capability much more. 

Horizontal Scaling:
  1. Add more machines to the cluster. 
  2. Cheaper than vertical scaling. 
  3. If service is not heavily used then more machines from the cluster. Service is not impacted since you are adding more machines to direct the traffic and removing the machines so requests are served by some or the other machine at any given point.
  4. We can store the machines in different continents. 
  1. Vertical scaling is cost efficient in short term as you are buy less H/W. Horizontal scaling is cost efficient in long run. 
  2. Vertical scaling is not fault tolerant as its only one machine. 

Advantages of distributed systems: 
  1. Fault tolerance:
    1. If server in a country goes down then requests can be directed to another server in another country.
    2. User will see more latency but the service remains available. 
  2. Low Latency:
    1. You can place the server near to where most requests are originating in case of HS but in VS there is only few servers so users will wait for their response. 
    2. Time taken to send and receive the request will go down. Only time consumed will be the time taken by the service. 


This one is reviewed but I need to delete its copy from hubpages or somewhere NoSQL Data models: key-value  Aggregate model.  key or i...