Finding absolute value

This question can be asked on a phone interview or during a job fair. It gives a quick idea of problem solving skills of the candidate. To find out the absolute of any number, you have to know its concept.

Concept is 'If a number's value is < 0 then its positive equivalent is returned or else the number is returned as it.
For value=0, the number is returned as is' that means 0 is return.


  1. If n = -10 then its absolute value will be 10. 
  2. If n = 10 then its absolute value will be 10. 
  3. If n = 0 then its absolute value will be 0. Following implementation find a number's absolute value.

void int findAbsoluteValue(int n)
 if(n < 0)
  return n*-1;
  return n;

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