- Understanding end goals.
- Understanding my role and each team's roles.
- Identifying Interdependencies and stating them early on.
- Cross functional and periodic communication via emails, standups, meetings.
- Setting up milestones and periodic checking enabling team to collaborate well.
- Accepting and managing problems.
- Recognizing and rewarding the teams.
How would you increase efficiency of your development team?
- Document Coding and dev standards.
- Implement CI integration.
- Release often if possible.
- Schedule demos.
- Follow test driven development.
- Creating detailed tasks.
- Review backlog
- Resolve blockers.
- Have short meetings.
- Support initiative
- Rely and trust your team's expertise, where ever possible.
If you come about an early delay in one of your milestones what would you do?
- Catch them early by monitoring the progress of the project and staying in touch with leads through out the project.
- Notify stakeholders: Update them on delay and revised schedules.
- Call for a meeting: Dev, technical teams, vendors, stakeholders, customers and update them on the delay.
- Gather the right resources: Re-allocate the resources.
- Reschedule: Check if some activities that were planned sequentially can be done parallely.
- Re-prioritize: List out all the activities that are not yet done. Move the important ones to the top of the list.
- Document the updated plan and send it out to everyone.
How to decide between traditional project management v/s Agile methologies?
Use traditional when:
- Long and detailed planning is required.
- Processes is linear and all the tasks are scheduled sequentially.
- Requires a formal CM process.
- Prioritization is fixed.
- Customer feedback can be taken at the end and incorporated into future releases. Customer involvement is low.
- Organization is very centralized.
- ROI is achieved at product release.
- Ex: Hardware or non-customer facing projects like infrastructure or technology changes.
Use Agile when:
- Process and decision making is iterative.
- Need customer feedback right away and can be incorporate right away.
- Organization is de-centralized.
- Prioritization changes based on business requirements and customer feedback.
- Small amount of work is picked up to be done. Rest can be updated and prioritized based on inputs.
- Customer involvement is high.
- ROI is achieved often and is iterative. It determines what the future releases.
What are the various states of the project? - RYG. What do they stand for? How to move the project from R to G?
Green: Project is within budget, timeline, and expectation.
Yellow: Project might fallout of budget, timeline or expectation and is it risk. Requires special attention from team involved. If needed from higher ups.
Red: Some aspect of the project has fallen behind or encountered major setback or is over budget
How to move R to G: Have a plan on paper, get a buy in, and get it approved. Once everyone agrees to the new set of parameters then move it to G from R.
Some teams move G to Y or R to get feedback from upper management so that they can get their expertise involved to get it done.
Project management interview questions & answers - Part I
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